Showing posts with label Vets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vets. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2009

In the pink

Or perhaps that should read "orange".

Bonjour, Haricot Blanc, le blogging French cat here.

Comment ça va?

Me, I'm just fine and dandy, back from my hols, "in the pink" and ready for a riot in the house.

Wasn't that kind of dear old (and I use the term respectfully) Hector to share a few of his thoughts?

For sure he can teach me a lot, but I'm in so much of a hurry to learn all sorts of new stuff that it's often difficult to stay still and pay attention let alone actually listen to anything he's saying.

Once again though, I have to ask the question what or who is the PRESENCE?

There have been so many references made that I'm now totally intrigued and cannot wait to discover her (for it's a "she" that much I've ascertained) identity.

Well while I'm waiting, I thought I would share a couple more short videos HMDT took while I was trying to sleep.

If only I could be allowed to sleep

And this is where I have to say that while there's so much mention of me always storming through the house, it seems that every moment I've settled down for some quiet time, I awake to find that lens pointed in my direction, just waiting to take the next shot.

So I'm awake. Now What?

One thing before I forget, I really should extend my thanks to those of you who've taken the time out to read my ramblings and leave comments.

I haven't been blogging for long, and I really appreciated the number of you who dropped by after Poppy Q had made me a Friday Friend last week. That was especially touching.

And finally before I go and wreck the house (gosh it's great to be back on familiar territory) and give Hiro a heap of hassle, is the good news that I'm "in the pink".

Yes I've been given a clean bill of health!

The tests the vet ran for Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) both came back negative, which was a relief all round, although everyone (vet included) is a little perplexed as to what my "malaise" was and what caused it in the first place.

Still the course of antibiotics seemed to do the trick and I'm full of beans......ooh a play on my name there.

Right I must go. I have havoc to wreak.

A bientôt.

Haricot B.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Under the weather - a health scare

Bonjour mes amis. Haricot Blanc, le blogging French cat back with you once again.

It probably hasn't escaped your notice that I haven't had much to say since I mentioned my last visit to that place I referred to as "fast becoming something of a four letter world".

Remember? The VETS.

Well that's mainly because I've been feeling poorly and have had to spend a couple of days in the clinic "under obs".

It all started last Thursday when I just felt so pooped. I didn't have any energy, wanted to spend all the time dozing and my normally healthy appetite was anything but.

I just drank a little water et "basta".

The comfy laps insisted that I pay another visit to that unmentionable place, where I was examined and my temperature taken.

Now I shan't complain about where they stuck the thermometer, but REALLY!

Sometimes these comfy laps and their accomplices just don't know the meaning of the words "dignified" and "decency".

Anyway, it turned out I was running a fever - 40 degrees celsius rather than the norm which is around 38.5 - so no guesses as to what came next.

One of those ruddy jabs in the backside, instructions to keep me calm and quiet (as if I really felt like doing anything else) and an anti-inflammatory for a potentially pulled muscle.

Wonder of wonders though, in the car back home I started feeling better, and by the time I had made it through the front door, I was back to my old (young) self, rushing around the house like a Force 10 gale and generally making my presence felt on the place.

Appetite back, motions (hate to mention that, but it's rather important) passing, everything seemed back to normal. And on Friday I was chirpy all day.

But then in the evening I started feeling woozy, not wanting to touch my food and hardly bothering to raise myself from by basket throughout the night.

Once again the comfy laps were concerned, and rang the clinic out of hours early on Saturday, and I was taken in for yet another consultation in the afternoon.

This time I had a flash test which indicated the possibility of the Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) against which I had been vaccinated a couple of weeks ago.

And more worryingly there was the fear that I had somehow contracted the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) against which there is no vaccination!

Blood samples were rushed off to a lab, and I was kept in for two days for observations and to receive a perfusion as I was still running a fever and had no appetite.

That didn't last long though, as by Monday I was wailing to be allowed home (the vet told HMDT all about it when he came to collect me in the afternoon) and gee was I happy to be back where I belonged.

No more silence and calm for me - even if it has been advised. Instead I'm full of spirits, eating heartily and enjoying making mischief.

The only downside has been waiting for the results and taking some revolting medicine (is there ever any other sort?) twice a day...some sort antibiotic in liquid form, served to me through a pipette unwelcomely (as far as I was concerned) thrust into my mouth.

HMDT and Toowfu are still, as they say, "Keeping an eye on me". Vets instructions apparently, but to be quite frank, I feel in fine this video more than attests to.

Oh yes, and here's a link to a selection of photos I've (rather pretentiously perhaps) entitled "Haricot B - a study against orange" and "The cat that didn't 'sat on the mat'".

A bientôt.

Haricot B.

Whoever said "The cat sat on the mat?"

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

All of a "rage" at the Vets

Bonjour. Haricot Blanc, le blogging French cat, here once again.

Perhaps that should read "sulking French cat" as I'm just back from, what for me is fast becoming something of a four-letter word, the VETS.

Now would someone out there like to enlighten me. What exactly is it with periodic medical visits and needles? Do those, albeit highly-qualified comfy laps get a kick from sticking them into our bottoms.

I, for one, am beginning to think so.

A few weeks ago HMDT took me for my first trip to the clinic. Just a check-up to ensure that everything was in working order (I could have told him that, had he bothered to ask).

A most unwelcome sign

Much hilarity about my "sassy" temperament, "cute" zapping around the house as I get my bearings, how I have a limited attention span and can't quite work out what my tail is for and blah, blah, blah.

There were some wise words from the vet concerning my ears (pink and delicate - sunscreen "obligatoire" in summer) and then...well you probably know what happened next (if not, here's a reminder).

The dreaded "needle in the backside" as I received my vaccinations.

So when we pulled up this afternoon outside the vets, I pretty much had an inkling as to what to expect.

Oh yes they (the vets) are all very kind and knowing, saying, "This won't really hurt" (note already the use of the word "really") and "It's all for your own good in the long run", and then before you know where you are they've kindly grasped you by the neck with one hand to immobilise you, while the other is brandishing that sharp little devil.

Is this REALLY the way to travel?

I tell you, I don't like it. In fact I DON'T LIKE it at all.

It might well be in my own interests and all be part of keeping me healthy, but as far as I'm concerned it's just not fair.

I mean, what have I done to deserve it? Nothing. I've just been me.

This time around it was a vaccination against rabies - or "rage" as we call it here. How appropriate is all I can say.

All right, so I knew it was coming but it still didn't make the experience any the more pleasurable. Once again I let them know exactly how I felt about it.

The good news (yes, there is some) is that I've now got the all clear to venture outside. So I suppose that's something to look forward to.

And all being well I won't be subjected to the same sort of humiliating treatment for quite a while.

Voilà. C'est tout pour le moment.

Yours (still in high dudgeon)

Haricot B.

Back home

Friday, June 26, 2009

Have passport, can travel.

Bonjour again everybody. It's me, Haricot Blanc, le blogging French cat.

Have passport, can travel

They're out - remember HMDT and Toowfu? So once again I've grabbed a little bit of computer time.

I've been installed chez moi for a week now, and you know it isn't half bad.

Admittedly I don't have full run of the place yet, just the master bedroom (of course) and the massive en suite where I can tender to my needs.

It's something about "being introduced gently to the others", and "not having had all my shots yet".

Ah yes regarding the former. My suspicions have been confirmed. I'm not alone (with my adopted humans) in this adventure.

There are more four-legged friends around. I actually made the acquaintance of one of them the other day; Hiro, a supposedly friendly little madam who still seems like a giant compared to me and as far as I can tell is prone to mood swings.

Actually HMDT was quite surprised when he first introduced us to each other, assuring me that Hiro was "the gentlest, best-natured kitty around."

That wasn't exactly how it came across though as after some initial snuffling and delicate head rubbing she became more than a little hissy for my liking. It probably has something to to with being really peeved that I'm around. That and the fact that as far as I can tell, she seems to have been given a boy's name.

C'est la vie, I suppose.

Oh yes, and that brings me to my other news for this week. The "shots" I mentioned earlier.

HMDT chauffered me to the vet the other day for my vaccinations.

Shots against cat ‘flu. (coryza) and feline infectious enteritis (typhus), are pretty much standard here in France, even for cats who are never going to venture outdoors. And for those who'll be allowed beyond the front door at some point, an injection against feline leukaemia (leucose feline) is also recommended.

I got the lot with a needle jabbed into my backside. How undignified! And I let them know my complete displeasure at being treated in such a manner by letting out the biggest of yowls.

That'll teach 'em.

There's worse to come though, because if I understood correctly once I turn three months it'll be time for another jab; this time against what they call "rage" here in France, or rabies in English.

Plus it's an experience I'll have the pleasure of being subjected to annually. Huh.

While all that was going on, do you know what I overheard the vet say?

"She's already quite a sassy little one and I think she (me) is likely to grow up to be 'full of temperament'."

Would you credit it! Talking about me like that, and immediately after having shoved a needle into me. The cheek of the woman.

I mean, how dare she. I'm just too adorable. "Full of temperament," indeed.

After more prodding and poking me gently, she also mentioned another couple of things that I found quite interesting.

Apparently a fair number of pure white cats are deaf. I'm not though as she discovered by testing out my hearing.

Another thing is that in summer I should have sun block applied to my delicate little (pinkish) ears as they're susceptible to sun burn.

Anyway she confirmed I was fighting fit and in perfect health and issued me with a brand new passport which contains my vaccination history, the personalised number of the electronic chip I had implanted when I was just a couple of weeks old and other personal info (such as who I "own" and my address).

So there you go, I'm a fully-registered French cat now, ready for much more mischief and looking forward to making my presence felt.

Right, I think that has pretty much brought you up-to-date for the moment.

I feel a nap coming on, so I'll sign off of for the moment.

A bientôt.

Haricot B.
